Anthropological Science(機関誌)
“Anthropological Science”は 日本人類学会の機関誌です。
Anthropological Science
Important note: Anthropological Science became an open-access journal, and the authors are charged a publication fee. This policy will be applied to submissions on and after September 1st, 2024. Please see here for more details.
ISSN 0918-7960
- Message from the editor-in-chief
- Editorial board
- Instructions to authors
- Online submission
- Reproduction Rights and Reuse Rights
- Editorial Manager
- 英文誌
(Volume 101 to current issue) To online journal (J-STAGE)
Anthropological Science (Japanese Series)
ISSN 1344-3992
- 編集委員
- 投稿規定・投稿先
- 複写複製と転写複製について
- Anthropological Science (Japanese Series)
- Anthropological Science 小史
- 人類学雑誌バックナンバー 購入方法